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Tuesday, November 3, 2020

"Study Advanced Level Applied Mathematics with Ease"


                                          ADVANCED LEVEL MATHEMATICS

                                           MECHANICS AND PROBABILITY

Why do you hate applied mathematics? Is it because you did not study its basics in additional mathematics at the ordinary level? Now calm down! You are where everything will be chewed for you. 

     All you need is to open your mouth and swallow. I guest this sound like joke but I must confess that, it is manner falling from your creator in real time. You will change your grade from E to A in mathematics within a short space of time. Are you ready to work? Okay let’s go!

   This part of mathematics is meant for students who choose to study applied mathematics at this level.  To ease work, vector is introduced at an early stage throughout this subject and exercises solved using vectors whenever the need arises.

    Each topic treated is followed by many solved examples to enhance understanding and also motivate the learner to go for more challenging questions. A selection of more challenging questions and answers are given at the end of each topic. You will also have some multiple choice questions on selected topics.

  The objectives of each topic are clearly stated to give learners a clear and precise route map for more research. Diagrams are used in most cases to simplify a concept.

     You should note that it is difficult to solve a problem correctly in math mechanics without the use of a diagram. It is advisable to always use diagrams to answer a question. Most of the questions here are from Cameroon General Certificate of Education Board (CGCE) and the University of London Examination Board (U of L).

       A few questions are taken from other examination boards like University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate(C), Joint Matriculations Board (JMB), Welsh joint Education Committee (WJEC), etc, to help students meet up with familiar questions and welcome new challenges if they have to study out of the country.

 Below is an outline of the content of what we shall be working on in the next 6 weeks. Hope you are up to the task. On your mark goooo!….              




Ø Topic’s objectives.

Ø Resultant of vectors.

Ø Vector representation.

Ø Unit vectors.

Ø Addition of vectors.

Ø The magnitude of a vector.

Ø Resolving vectors.

Ø Scalar product.

Ø Scalar product from vectors in component form.

Ø Object on a table.

Ø Object on inclined planes.

Ø Horizontal force applied on objects on inclined plane.

Ø Rough planes.

Ø Forces acting on a ladder leaning against a wall and a floor.

Ø Horizontal rod suspended by strings.

Ø String and a particle.

Ø Horizontal rod smoothly hinged into a wall.

Ø Solved exercises.

Ø Summary.

Ø Examination questions.

Ø Multiple choice questions.



Ø Topic’s objectives.

Ø Equilibrant.

Ø Three forces in equilibrium.

Ø Friction.

Ø Angle of friction.

Ø Equilibrium on inclined planes.

Ø Moment.

Ø Couple.

Ø Effect f coplanar forces.

Ø General conditions for equilibrium.

Ø Solved exercises on the above.

Ø Summary.

Ø Examination questions and answers.

Ø Multiple choice questions.



>Topic’s objectives.

>Motion in a straight line.

>Equation of motion with constant acceleration.

>Distant –time graph.

>Velocity-time graph.

>Vertical Motion Under gravity.

>Solved exercises on the above.


>Examination questions and answers for practice.

> Multiple choice questions



>Topic’s objectives.

>Newton’s first law and applications.

>New second law and applications.

>Weight and mass.

>Newton’s third law.

>Motion of connected particles.

>Solved exercises on the above.


>Examination questions and answers for practice.

>Multiple Choice questions.



>Topic’s objectives.



>Law of conservation of Momentum.

>Direct Impact.

           >Impulse and loss of kinetic energy.

           >Solved exercises on the above.

           >Recoil of a gun.


           >Examination questions and answers for practice.

           >Multiple Choice questions.



>Topic’s objectives.

>Velocity and speed at a given time.

>Velocity and speed at a given point.

>Distance at a given time.

>Equation of path (trajectory) of a particle.

>Parabolic flights feature.

>Time of flight.

>Horizontal range.

>Maximum horizontal range.

>Greatest height.

>Solved exercises on the above.


>Examination question and answers for practice.

>Multiple choice questions.



>Topic’s objectives.

>Work done by a constant force.

>Work done against gravity.

>Work done against and friction.


>The principle of conservation of energy.

>Equivalence of work and energy.

>Work done by force acting in a direction different from that of the motion of the particle.


Pump raising and ejecting water.

>Vehicles in motion.

>Solved Exercises.


>Examination questions and answers for practice.

>Multiple choice questions.



>Topic’s objectives.

>Elastic strings.

>Hooke’s law.

>Energy store in elastic string.

>Conservation of energy for elastic string.

>Potential energy of an elastic spring.

>Gravitational potential energy.

>Elastic potential energy.

>Energy and power.

>Energy equation.

>Elastic impact.

>Impact with the surface.

>Solved exercises.


>Examination questions and answers for practice.

>Multiple choice questions.



Ø Topic’s objective.

Ø Resultant velocity.

Ø Crossing a river.

Ø Relative velocity.

Ø Solved exercises.

Ø Summary.

Ø Examination questions.

Ø Multiple choice questions


Ø Topic’s objective.

Ø Straight line motion.

Ø Calculating velocity and distance when acceleration is given as a function of velocity.

Ø Calculating velocity and distance if acceleration is given is given as a function of displacement.

Ø Calculating acceleration given velocity as a function of displacement

Ø Variable force.

Ø Forces in terms of I,j,and k.

Ø Opposing Medium.

Ø Impulse of a variable force.

Ø Work done by a variable force.

Ø Further applications.

Ø Vector applications.

Ø Collision of moving particles.

Ø Minimum distance.

Ø Solved exercises.

Ø Summary.

Ø Examination questions.

Ø Multiple Choice Questions.



 > Topic’s objectives.

>The radian.

>Angular velocity.

>Relationship between linear and angular velocity.

>Constant acceleration.

>Angular- velocity graph.

>Uniform motion in a circle with constant speed.

>Conical pendulum.

>Circular motion in a spherical bowl.

>Solved exercises.


>Examination questions.

>Multiple Choice questions.




           >Topic’s Objectives.

           >Centre of gravity of a finite number of particles.

           >Centre of mass.

           >Centre of gravity of some two dimensional bodies.

           >Centre of gravity of a compound body.

           >Suspended lamina.


          >Use of calculus to find centre of gravity.

          >Solved exercises.


          >Examination questions.

          >Multiple Choice questions.



        > Topic’s Objectives.

        >Definition of terms.

        >Classical definition of probability.


       >Mutually exclusive events.

       >Conditional probability.

       >Independent events.

       >Selection with or without replacement.

       >Probability tree.

       >The “at least” and “at most” situations.

       >Use of an infinite geometric series in probability.

       >Solved exercises.


       >Examination questions.

       > Multiple choice questions.

These are the topics you will learn. They may not be thought following the order in which they appear above. You are free to ask questions where you do not understand. You can share this website with your classmates to ease study. Use your android phones. The side is compatible with all smart phones. You may use your laptop or desktop to study solutions to problems presented here.



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