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Tuesday, November 10, 2020

"Explaining Some Basic facts and Solving Problems involving Distance, Displacement, Speed and Velocity of moving Objects"



This is the study of motion without considering how it is produced.  You are going to study motion in a straight with special attention to SPEED, VELOCITY, and ACCELERATION.

 OBJECTIVES. By the end of this topic, you are expected to be able do the following:

Ø Define distance, displacement and state the difference between them.

Ø Define the speed of an object, state the formula for calculating speed and also apply it in answering questions.

Ø Define the velocity of an object, state the formula for calculating velocity, and apply this formula to answer questions.

Ø Define the acceleration of a body, state the formula for calculating it as well as apply it to solve exercises.

Ø Derive equations of motions with constant acceleration.

Ø Convert speed in kmh-1 to ms-1 and vice versa using 1kmh-1= 5/18 ms-1 and 1ms-1=18/5kh-1.

Ø Use the correct equation of motion to solve a given question.

Ø Draw the velocity- time graph for any given motion.

Ø Use a velocity-time graph to calculate distance covered over a specific time frame.

Ø Analyse or breakdown, the shape of a velocity-time graph into simple shapes and find the distance covered or displacement in a given time interval.

Ø Calculate the acceleration and deceleration of a particle in a given time after finding the gradient of the line segment representing the motion.

Ø Find the greatest speed reached during the motion of a particle.

Ø Convert and use all equations of motion with constant acceleration to equations of motion under gravitational force.

Ø Solve problems for vertical motion under gravity where a=-g for upward movements and a=g for downward movement

Ø Solve at least 95% of the problems in Kinematics.


                     MOTION IN A STRAIGHT LINE.

DISTANCE.  This is the space covered by a moving object from a fixed point. It is denoted by D. When the direction of movement is not given the space covered remains distance. It is measured centimeters, meter, or kilometer. Distance only describes magnitude without direction so it is a scalar quantity.

DISPLACEMENT. This is the space covered by a moving object from a fixed point in a specific direction. It is denoted by S. It is measured in centimeters, meters, or kilometers. When distance and direction are given then displacement is described. Displacement has both magnitude (distance) and direction, it is a vector quantity.

SPEED. It is defined as the rate at which distance changes with time. It is denoted by

            S and the SI units for speed is cms-1 , ms-1 , or kmh-1. Speed is a scalar quantity.

                Speed=    Distance (D)  ;   Distance=Speed x Time

                                    Time (T)

Example1. Calculate; a) the distance in measured in meters travelled in 3 minutes by a body moving with a constant speed of 15kmh-1, b) the time in seconds, taken by this body to travel 200m at the same speed.


a)     V=15kmh-1, t=3m= 3 h


Using  D=v t

            D=15km/h x 3 h


            D= 0.75 km or 750m.  The distance travelled is 750m.

b)    Using D=v t

           D=200m,  v=15km/h= 15 x1000 m/s= 25 m/s

                                                 60   60             6

         200m=   25 m/s  



The time taken to travel 200m at 15kmh-1 is 48 s.



CONSTANT SPEED. The statement that the speed of the car is 20 kilometers per hour (20kmh-1 or 20km/h) means that if the speed remains unchanged, the car will travel 20km in one hour. The speed of the car is said to be constant or uniform. It follows that this car will travel 40km in two hours, 60km in three hours and so on.


VELOCITY. It is defined as the rate at which displacement(s) changes with time (t).It is denoted by V and the SI units for measuring it is cms-1, ms-1 or kmh-1. Velocity is a vector quantity.

              Velocity= Displacement(s) ;   Velocity= Displacement x   time


Example 1. At time t=0,a body passes through a point A and is moving at a constant velocity of 4ms-1.

a)     Find how far the body is from A when t=3s

b)    What is the value of t when the body is 22m from  A.


a)     Using  displacement=velocity x time

t=3s, S=?, V=4ms-1

                   S=4ms-1  3s

        S=12m; displacement= 12metres

b)    Velocity is constant means v=4ms-1



22m=4m/s x t

t=5.5s; time=5.5seconds



The daily usage of speed and velocity are often confused by many as being same. No! Velocity is speed in a given direction. When direction is added to speed, we get velocity. As stated above, speed is a scalar quantity while velocity is a vector quantity.

CONSTANT VELOCITY.  Like in speed above the statement that velocity 20kmh-1 of a car is constant or uniform means that the velocity remains unchanged.

                In practice, the speed and velocity of a body are seldom constant or uniform.          When a car travels 20 in one hour, it is unlikely that the speed is constant. It is probable that for part of the time, the car is travelling at more than 20 km in one hour and at some time, the car’s speed is less than 20km in one hour since the nature of the road and state of the car are not always perfect. Thus we often refer to the average speed, or average velocity of a car or body.

     Average Speed= Total distance travelled

                                        Total time taken,

Example.1 A, B, and C are three points in that order, on a straight road with AB=40km, and BC=90km. A woman travels from A to B at 10kmh-1 and then from B to C at 15kmh-1.Calculate:

a)     The time taken to travel from A to B

b)    The time taken to travel from B to C

c)     The average speed of the woman from A to C


A                                     B

                         40km                               90km

a)     Let D1=AB,  D2=BC.

D1=40km,  D2= 90km

V1= 10kmh-1 , V2=15kmh-1

 Using d=vt from A to B

           40km= 10kmh-1 t

           t=4h; time to travel from A to B

b)    Using d=vt from B to C

          90km= 15km/h x  t

         t=6h; time taken to travel from B to C

c)     Average  speed= total distance travelled from A to C

                                       total taken to move from A to C

       Average Speed = 40km +90km

                                         4h + 6h

      Average Speed=130km


     Average Speed = 13kmh-1  for the whole journey from A to C.

             Average Velocity= Total displacement

                                                Total time taken

Example 1.A man walks 400m due east in a time of 190s, and then 100m due west in a time of 50s.Calculate:

a)     His average speed for the whole journey

b)    His average velocity for the whole journey.


a)     Using average speed= total distance

                                      Total time

Average Speed= 400m +100m

                            190s + 50s

Average Speed=  500m


Average speed= 2.08 ms-1

b)    Average velocity = total displacement


Average Velocity= 400m + (-100m)

                                  190s +50s

Average Velocity= -300m  =300m  East

                                240s      240 s

Average velocity= 1.25 ms-1


1)    A, B, and C are three points lying on a straight road with AB=5km, and BC= 4km. A man runs from A to B at 20km/h  and then walks from B to C at 8km/h. Find:

a)     The total time taken to travel from A to C (Answer; t=3/4hr or 45mins)

b)    The average speed of the man for the journey  from A to C (answer; 12kmh-1)

2)    A man walks 150m due north ,in a time of 70s, then 50m due south, in a time of 30s.Find:

a)     His average speed (answer; 2ms-1)

b)    His average velocity(answer;1ms-1)

3)    A car is driven from town A to town B, 40km away, at an average speed of 60km/h. The car is at B for 10 minutes and then returns back to A.

a)     Find the average speed for the journey from B to A if the average speed for the complete journey is 60km/h.  (80km/h)

b)    What is the average velocity of the car for the complete journey? (answer; 0)

4)    A ,B, and C are  three points lying in that order on a straight line with AB=60m, and AC=80m.A body moves from A to B at an average speed of 10m/s, then from B to C in a time of 4s, and then returns to B. The average speed for the whole journey is 5ms-1. Find:

a)     The average speed of the body in the second stage of the motion ,that is from B to C.(5m/s)

b)    The average speed of the body in moving from A to C.  (8m/s)

c)     The time taken for the stage of the motion that is from C to B. (10s)

d)    The average velocity for the complete motion, that is from A to C. (3m/s in direction AB)

5)    The speed of light is 3x 108ms-1 If the distance from the sun to the earth is 1.5 x108 km. Find how long it takes light from the Sun to reach the Earth.(8min, 20s)


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