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Saturday, September 1, 2018


    Classroom discipline is a valuable factor which can frustrate a beginning teacher.Undoubtedly, every teacher will recognize the differences between one class and the other despite the fact that the same subject, same class level , and students of similar ability are involved.In view of this,the young teacher or student teacher must be given every conceivable help  prior to their actual student teaching practice.
 It has been found that a significant number of teachers fail in the early stages of their careers more through their in ability to maintain discipline among their students than for any other reason.Therefore every college teacher should consider discipline as an issue of major importance and should concentrate on this phase of his teaching until he is sure that the problems of good discipline are well understood by his students.Lack of good discipline in class results in the failure of some beginning teachers to be retained by school authorities, while others become so discouraged with their own in ability to control the students that they are forced to leave the teaching profession.
 Remarkably, problems of discipline become increasingly easy to handle as the teacher gains more experience, confidence and skill.However, since the beginning teacher is judged to a considerable extent,in terms of his success with class discipline, it is advisable that he should be prepared to meet and cope with the problems involved.
  The primary purpose of discipline in the classroom is to permit each individual to spend all of his or her time profitably and to make steady progress, at the same time working as part of a group without suffering indifference from others and without his or her interfering with the progress of others.It is only when this type of discipline become prevalent among the members of a class that an attitude of friendship and mutual respect can be develop between students and the teacher.
 Any teacher dealing with a new class must learn to determine how much direct control on his part is necessary at the outset in order to ensure good class discipline.For a beginning teacher ,it is usually best to control the class rather carefully and cautiously until students and teachers become more acquainted, and until the teacher is able to note individual personality traits of the learners and the general temper of the class.The teacher should gradually reduce his direct control of the class as both the students and the teacher develop an understanding of each other.
   The teacher has the responsibility for the welfare and progress of his students.He or she must do this by being friendly , fair,and by commanding respect from his students. Sincere friendliness which never approaches familiarity is the best relationship for a teacher to develop with his students.Similarly, he must be fair without any partiality or favoritism, and must command respect by being firm when there is need for such.
  The teacher should recognize that every class is somewhat different in its problems with discipline.Furthermore, the teacher will be confronted with many variety of individual student behavior which will require many different methods of dealing with the students concerned.There are no firm rules set to out for treating each problem; the following suggestions will help to the beginner teacher in preventing mistakes.They are:
-It is not appropriate to be a hard-liner in matters affecting disciplinary action without first giving it thorough and careful consideration, and even when this is done ,the teacher should act when he or she is in the right frame of mind, and not when full of annoyance.
-The teacher should refrain from doing anything that will bring humiliation of a student in the presence of others or his mates.Note that he or she is your student and is greatly incapacitated to react against you either by word of mouth or by deed.
-The teacher should endeavor to keep his students busy with some work that is meaningful to them because idleness may cause a student to start misbehaving. In fact ,the first and best rule for good class discipline is to keep them busy.
-All disciplinary cases should be handled cautiously and calmly and moreover any sign of disorder should be stopped as soon as it is noticed.
-Some teachers make the mistake of punishing an entire class because of an offense caused by one or two individuals. This should not happen.Rather if the perpetrators cannot be identified  immediately, the teacher should withhold his action until they are known.Then he should deal with them appropriately .Punishing the entire class usually leads to grumbling and resentment on the part of the members of the class.
-When a breach of discipline occurs, the teacher should not disturb the whole class by shouting at the student who committed the offense.Instead, he should quietly meet with the student and point out to him or her what has been done.
-An important factor in maintaining discipline is to be fair,and honest with the student , and in cases of indiscipline he should discuss the problem with the student so that  they will know what they have really done.
-Even though much importance is attached to discipline, each teacher should be guided by a few rules and regulations and the students should know the meaning, purpose and benefits of such rules to them.
-The teacher should not treat a minor offense as a serious case or become disturbed over it.Usually, if students learn that the teacher reacts violently to minor offense,they may choose to annoy him or her at every opportunity.
-There are mistakes which are honest and when this is the case , the teacher should not punish the student for such an offense.
-Every teacher should realize that corporal punishment is not a good cure for unfavorable behavior by a student;instead the result proves negative for the teacher.
-The teacher should try to settle all disciplinary problems himself with his own students.It is only on extreme occasions that he should refer a case to the principal or headmaster of a school or their assistants.
   Applications of the above suggestions will go far in helping the student teacher to maintain good discipline in his or her class.As the teacher gains experience, he will be able to work with the students in a way that will minimize the problems and consequently he will be able to develop well-behaved and interested learners.

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