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Friday, August 31, 2018


    Learning has been described as the acquiring of habits, knowledge,and attitudes involving new ways of doing things.It is a change of the individual's ways of responding which comes from his thinking, perceiving, emotional reactions, or other psychological activity.Evidence has shown that heredity determines, to some extent,the limits of learning, but the environment can bring the inherited limits to the maximum. Learning is not a piece- meal process but a form of growing association or relations.
  Every teacher must have a good idea about how individuals  learn new things in order to enable him or her plan the learning experiences in which the students will engage.He or she should therefore, consider some of these general principles of learning as a guides in teaching:
-Guide students or learners to recognize the essence of what you are to teach.They will be eager to learn and make progress.Willingness to learn is a combination of such factors as maturity, motivation,experience,ability, perception, aptitude just to name a few.
-Constantly using what has been learned will help the learner to understand more and perform better.Lack of use can result in forgetting what has been learned.Here I am referring to the usage or previously learned matter in your introductions.
-Students remember more what they have learned and more likely to desire to learn more if what has been learned was geared towards meeting their goals and they are satisfied with what has been accomplished.
-Always start from known to unknown, or from simple steps which are related to the things students are familiar with and proceed to new and more difficult areas.
-There is need for sequence in any learning process.New things to be learned need to be connected with things already know by the learners.This can be achieved if the learning is done step-by-step
-The teacher should know that individuals learn at different rates and in different forms.Need to always consider fast and slow learners during preparations.
-The "keystone" to learning is by doing.Every learner must be put into practice what he or she is attempting to learn before he or she can ascertain that something has been learned actually.
-Success in any learning situation stimulates more learning, whereas failure to learn or understand tends to discourage further learning.Therefore, the teacher should plan his instruction in order to ensure successful learning.
-The learning pattern of students now  tend  to determine how they will learn in the future.Students seem to react very unfavorably to any learning situation that requires over-direction.
-Students are more prone to learning more readily from their peers than from adults,and they learn mostly what they expect to be tested on.The need to consider the teaching method used at this level.
-Skill learning is facilitated when there is explanation , demonstration and meaningful practice.
  To conclude, the teacher should know that pleasant experiences are more useful for changing attitudes than unpleasant experiences.It is very essential that both teacher and learner know that the learner has really learned something.This will ensure that effective teaching and learning have taken place.

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