Attitudes, ideals, interests,
and motivation are considered very important in education because they are very
likely to influence the reaction of the teacher or learner. It is therefore considered appropriate to
consider their significance and relationship to effective teaching and
ATTITUDES: This term
is loosely used by many without really thinking about its meaning. Under this context,
attitude refers to one’s feeling towards persons, ideas, institutions,
practices or facts. Normally, it is viewed as feelings with emotional content
because each individual is disposed to feel, believe or act in a way he likes
in favor or disfavor of certain ideas or facts.
In other words, an attitude may be regarded as a disposition
to act in certain ways whenever there is urge or stimulus to do so. For example,
a teacher may exhibit a hostile attitude towards a pupil when the child
disobeys or does something wrong. This demonstrates his attitude or feeling
towards that child.
It is important to note that attitudes are not usually
taught as in the presentation of facts, but are normally taught indirectly
through example acquired through readings and experiencing other activities. The
development of attitudes has been the concern of master teachers. Usually, the
master teacher demonstrates those qualities he wants his students to adopt.
IDEALS: The term, ideal, means a standard of perfection
which is generally accepted by everyone or a group of people. There is an
element of subjectivity attached to ideals but in spite of this they are highly
valuable in Education. This is more so because people generally place standards
of perfection in everything they do. One significant factor in the teaching of
ideals is that the learners gain information of what ideals are through reading,
discussion, observation or through the teacher’s guidance. Students are more
inclined to accept such a concept when the teacher himself has been found to
uphold certain ideals or standards.
INTERESTS: This is a major determining factor in the learning
pupils. The zeal with which students enter into any learning activity is
indicative of their interest in that particular activity. In terms of
learning, learners are prone to learn more efficiently those things that seem
to interest them. Thus teachers should endeavor to harness learner’s interest
as a means to effective teaching. In other to achieve success in teaching, the
teacher should create interest among his students if such does not exist. The
teacher should make efforts to find out interests, attitudes, Ideals and goals
of his students. This information will, undoubtedly, be a great asset in his
teaching and future association with the students.
MOTIVATION: It is evident that every individual has several
basic drives, wants, needs, and interests which constitutes motives. Motivation
therefore refers to the reason why people generally strive to achieve a need or
a certain objective. Under the situation, Pupils exert themselves to learn to
improve themselves as a result of motivation.
Any pupil who has
the strongest desire to perform well and works very hard at it will surely do
so but if he or she lacks motivation, the height may never be attained even
though all the other learning conditions are favorable. Evidence has shown that
strong motivation has sometimes caused learners to perform to levels that were
not actually expected of them. Apparently, differentiation in achievement among
students will be a result of motivation if all other factors are equal such as
ability level, state of health, and emotional and social adjustment. Naturally,
it has been observed that what constitutes a strong motive for one student may
have no effect on another; there is no uniformity in the motivational drives of
To conclude, it should be noted that for any effective
teaching and learning to take place, attitudes, ideals, interests and
motivation must be carefully looked into before any interactions. The teacher
has the powers to work on these carefully before meeting the students.
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