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Tuesday, August 7, 2018


 Understanding is a psychological process related to an abstract or physical object, such as a person,situation, or message whereby one is able to think it and use concepts to deal adequately with that object.Understanding is a relation between the learner and an object of understanding.
To understand simply means to have insight or good judgement about something.This write up refers to the ways in which a teacher can teach so that the learner gets an insight or good judgement of the material to be taught. This means the student will be able to express what has been learned in his own words and apply it in times of need.
  The beginning teacher needs to recognize the various ways he can use to teach his or her students to understand, develop interest, cultivate better attitudes or to recognize the value of what has been taught.It should be emphasized that teaching of  understandings or concepts is easier than teaching of attitudes, interests, appreciation,ideals or values.
  A number of ways have been outline below as a guide to help teachers in their attempt to teach concepts or understandings.They are as follows:
1-PROVISION OF A VARIETY OF EXPERIENCES:It has been observed that many student fail to comprehend certain concepts as a result of the teacher's inability to provide them with a variety of experiences.The understanding of one person cannot be given to another by simply exposing him to the concepts; rather,the learner has to associate his or herself with a series of experiences on order to arrive at something more concrete in this case understanding.The learner must be involved emotionally, physically in other to understand clearly.In addition, he must have the opportunity to examine concepts from different angles.
2-INSUFFICIENCY OF WORD OF MOUTH ALONE:The use of words alone to teach concepts is not ideal for understanding.Other activities such as the use of audio visual materials, discussions,homework,projects and other activities help students to start developing a clear understanding of the desired concept.
3-CLARITY:The teacher should make sure that his students understand clearly the meaning of the concepts under discussion.He should do this through explanations, questions,and parables.Under this procedure, the learners derive their own ideas by inference from pertinent data with the guidance of the teacher.
4-PROVISION OF OPPORTUNITIES:The teacher should provide opportunities for students to form ideas by means of both inductive deductive inferences.He should give the learners much guidance by giving them hints concerning structure, strategy,principles,laws and relationships.
5-ENCOURAGE ORIGINAL THINKING: The teacher should encourage original thinking among his students , and motivate them to express their own opinion based on facts in hand.
      Lancelot in his book "Permanent Learning" outlined several  principles as necessary in developing understanding.The major points mentioned include:
*Students do not gain clear understanding through the thinking of others.
 *If students are unable to think through any given problem or proposition,an attempt to do so before receiving help from the teacher or from books will ensure clearer understanding in the end.
*For the best understanding by the learners, explanations or demonstrations during class discussions should be deferred by the teacher until learners have thought as far as they are able, towards the right solution or conclusion.
*Understanding is best gained from books by reading or studying in such a manner that wholes are gasped before the important parts, and important parts before lesser parts and details.
*By carefully planned , systematic review, and reorganization of the knowledge at or near the end of any given course , the understanding of the learners can be greatly improved.
*One's understanding of any given concept becomes clearer through explaining it to others , regardless of whether such explanations are made orally or in writing.
   Teaching learners to understand requires adequate preparations and patience.The teacher's objectives have to be clear and measurable for him to succeed.Remember, a teacher is a regular student.Any teacher who stops reading should stop teaching.      

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