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Tuesday, August 14, 2018


An attitude is a predisposition or a tendency to respond positively or  negatively towards a certain idea, object,person or situation. Attitude influences an individual's choice of action and responses to challenges, and rewards.
    Most of the concepts here can be taught through association. Learners develop attitudes in several ways . Some individuals develop their attitudes by imitating others consciously or unconsciously. Usually, people acquire attitudes of those with whom they associate. Many people develop attitudes by identifying with a model and attempting to copy the behavior of the model. Furthermore, people develop attitudes from emotional experiences and as a result of information. Favorable emotional experiences usually result in favorable attitudes where as unhappy emotional experiences result in unfavorable attitudes. Similarly, a person’s attitude towards another person or an object is a result of information gathered on the person or on the subject.
Though attitudes are commonly taught through interactions, a number of ways can be used to teach attitudes with ease. They are as follows:
1-You as the teacher, should live exemplary life so that your students can identify themselves with you or try to model themselves after you.
2-The teacher should provide the students with models which they can identify with and imitate. Some literature, history or current events which have a bearing on the topic could be utilized as vital models.
3-He should adopt such teaching procedures as role-playing, discussion groups, problem-solving, case studies and other approaches which will enable the learners to find their own answers.
4-The teacher should not use lecture method when trying to teach attitudes; instead, he should use informal activities to convey the idea.
5-He or she should use audio-visual aids such as films, to present attitudes .This will  be followed with a detailed discussion with the class so that so that the students could draw their inferences objectively.
6-She should avoid preaching and dictating; rather she should appeal to reason.
7-The students should be encouraged to find out the facts and information for themselves. In other words, their thinking should be challenged always by the teacher asking them a series of questions such as; how did you come about this? Are the facts really what you consider them to be? Do you think you can proof them? Do you consider your thinking reasonable?
     The development of interest and appreciation follows the same pattern as the development of attitudes. Attitudes if well imparted leads to the development of interest and appreciation.
   The teaching of attitudes should act like a pointer parents and guardians that they are best role models from whom children learn attitudes.


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