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Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Use this to Quickly Learn and Teach how to Calculate Distances on Maps and the Earth's Surface"

  SUBJECT: Number theory
  TOPIC      : Maps and Scales
  LESSON    :Calculating actual distances on the earth’s surface from distances on maps and vice versa
PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE: Students can solve problems involving ratios and proportions as well as convert from one unit of measurement to another. Students can identify a map.
OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students should b
i)                    Able to calculate distances on maps given the scale, corresponding actual distances on the earth’s surface and vice versa.
ii)                   ii)  Able to calculate scales if distances on map and earth’s surface are given. 
iii)                 iii) Able to  accurately convert from one unit of measurement to the other.
TEACHING AIDS: Maps with scales and routes demarcated in it
 TEACHING METHODS: Demonstration, Group discussion, Questioning, and Assignment methods
DURATION: 45 minutes
DATE: 27/11/2019

 When a map is drawn to scale of say 1:50,000, it means 1cm on the map represents 50,000cm on the earth’s surface or on land. 1:50,000 is a ratio showing the distance o map to distance on land. This ratio can be reversed to have it as 50,000:1 that is distance on land to distance on map.

If the ratio 1:50,000 means 1cm on map is 50,000cm on land. When this ratio is reversed it is 50,000:1 or written as
                                                                                         1          is called a linear scale factor denoted by.            
Length on land   = K                            or       distance on land = k,
Length on map                                                                distance on map
Using the linear scale factor above, it follows that  50,000 =K, cross multiplying by the denominator
Example 1                                                                          
A map is drawn to a scale of 1:50,000.Calculate the length of a road which appears as 3cm on the map.

Scale, 1:50,000
Length on map=3cm.                                                                                                                    
Length on land=X                                                                                                                          
Linear Scale Factor (K) = 50,000
Length on land    = k
Length on map
X  = 50,000
X x 3cm = 50,000 x 3cm
Therefore length of road which appears to be 3 cm on maps actually 150,000cm on land.

Example 2.
A map is drawn to a scale of 1:100,000.Calculate the distance between two towns A and B which appear to be 12.3cm apart on a map.
Scale 1:100,000
Distance on map=12.3cm
Distance on land=X
Linear scale factor (K) =100,000

Distance on land = k
Distance on map
X = 100,000
X x 12.3cm = 1000,000x 12.3 cm
Therefore distance between the two towns which appear to be 12.3cm on map is 1,230,000 cm on land.

Example 3.
A map is drawn to a scale of 1:30,000. Calculate the length of a lake on the map which is 10cm long on land.
Scale 1:30,000
Length on map=Y
Length on Land=10cm
Linear Scale Factor (K) =130,000
Therefore the length of lake on the map is 0.000077cm on the map.
Distance on land= k
Distance on map
10cm= 130,000    = k

10 cm x Y = 130,000 x Y

10cm= 130,000 Y
130,000Y = 10cm
130,000Y   = 10cm
130,000        130,000        
Y = 0.000077cm

Note. From the statement  distance on land=k; we write, distance on land= K x distance on map
    distance on map             
If the scale of a map is 1:10,000. What will be the length of a road on a map which is 50.000cm long?
Scale 1:10,000
Length map= Y
Length on land =50,000cm
Linear Scale Factor (K) =10,000

Distance on land=  K
Distance on map 
50,000cm = 10,000
50,000cm x Y = 10,000 x Y
10,000 Y = 50,000 CM
10,000           10,000
            Y= 5cm
Therefore, length of road on map=5cm.

Example 5.
A map is drawn to a scale of 1:20,000.Calculate;
a)      the distance between two villages in km which appear to be 2cm apart on the map
b)      The length on the map of a lake which is 10km long.
a)      Scale 1:20,000
Distance between the villages on map=2cm
Distance between the villages on land=X
Linear scale (K) = 120,000
Distance on land =K
Distance on map
  X      x   2cm= 20,000x2cm
                     X = 40,000cm

Distance on land in cm is 40,000cm. This needs to be converted to kilometers (km)
100cm= 1m

40,000cm = T
1000 cm      1m

400m x 1m = T
400 m = p
1000 m         1km
400m=    p
10000m 1km

P= 400x 1km
          Therefore, distance on land in kilometers is 0.4km
b)      Scale 1:20,000
Length of lake on land=10km= (10 ) cm =1,000,000cm
Length of lake on map=Y
Linear scale factor (K) =20,000
Length of lake on land= k
Length of lake on map
1,000,000cm= 20,000
20000y= 1,000,000 
20,000        20,000cm
The lake is 50cm long on the map.

Example 6
On a map of scale 1cm to 5m, the distance between two palm trees is 14cm. Calculate the distance between these trees on the ground.
Scale 1cm to 5m means 1cm: 500cm giving 1:500
Distance on the ground=X
Distance on the map =14cm
Linear Scale factor (K) = 500
X= 500
`X =14cm
Distance between the palm trees on the ground is 7000cm apart.

1)      On a map of scale 1:35000 the distance between two telephone poles is 26cm. calculate the distance between the two poles on land.
2)      If the scale of a map is 1:10,000, what will be the length on the map of a road which is 100m?
3)      Find the length of a road represented by
i)                    21.7cm on map
ii)                   O.75cm on map
                     When the scale is 1cm to 5m
4)      Find the length on a map represented by
i)                    7.2cm on land
ii)                   28.6cm on land
When the scale is 1cm to 10m.

Ø  For any calculation to be done, make sure that the scale has the same units on numbers involved and write this out as a ratio in the form 1:n
Ø  Write down the linear scale factor K obtained from the ratio dimension on land: dimension on map or plan.
Ø  Use the formula; Length on land=K  Length on map or plan.
Ø  Substitute the values in the formula and solve as requested.
Ø  Take not of the units of measurement in use and make sure you convert them to one.

1)      If a scale is 1:10,000. What length will 60cm on the map represent on land:
i)                    in centimeters(cm)
ii)                   in meters(m)
iii)                 in kilometers(km)
2)      The distance from Bamenda to Ndop is 32km. How far apart will they be on a map of scale 1:5000?

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