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Thursday, July 11, 2019


Mathematics is everywhere. Its nets are so wide that you can never run away from it, you will be caught whenever you attempt to avoid it.Mathematics nurtures your power of critical thinking and solving problems with ease.Do have an issue with critical thinking?.Get this BOOK to help you resonate your thoughts and put your life in order.

I will like you to reflect and give an honest answer to each of the following questions.
    >Can a baby  of one year old give birth to a baby?
    >At what age is a girl matured for marriage?
    >Why is it that most girls tend to have funny behaviors at the             age of 15?
    > Can a mother and child be of the same age?
When read the questions above, reflect well and study the answer to the question below.The question goes thus:
     A woman is 31 years older than her daughter;the sum of their ages is 61.Calculate, a) the age of the mother
                              b) the age of the daughter
                              c) how old was the mother before having her                                   baby?

     let the woman's age be x years
     The woman is 31 years older than her daughter.
    Daughter's age will be x-31 years.
    The sum of their ages is 61; 
           x +(x-31)=61
a) the mother is 46 years old
b) Daughter is (x-31) years old; that is (46-31)years. Hence the daughter is 15 .years old .Or daughter's age is (61-46)=15 years.
c) The woman was (46-15) =31 years before having her baby.
   The woman  was very matured before having her baby.In certain cultures and traditions, she had this child very late.This might have been due to health issues, her educational career or late marriage.
  At the age of 15, most girls are already matured and are approached by boys for love affairs and marriage in some cases.This is when parents ,especially the mother, need to guide her on how to care for herself as well as her level of interactions with friends. To be successful in guiding the child, the mother needs to show love


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