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Wednesday, June 9, 2021

"Quick review of some problems and solutions encountered by teachers and students in the teaching and learning process"

   Successful people don't study many subjects to be where you find them. Some study no subject but are extremely rich. These fellows use simple logic through critical thinking and problem solving skills to identify opportunities. 

The spirit of discernment from God. This explains why multi- millionaires are mostly those who didn't study much. They are those who discovered their skills and focused on . These are people who use a lot of common sense from experience, critical thinking, logical judgements  to  bare risks.

 They know that failure is a learning process. On the other hand, most of  those who have read too much, tend to be too rigid, self-centered and scared by situations that can make them richer because of lack of common sense, greed and fear to take risks. If you have chosen to study mathematics, be focused. Every journey you embark on entails risk taking.

Teaching and learning process

   Mathematics is not only learned  in the classroom. It is inborn and only needs to be activated in school. Some people are fortunate that theirs is activated by life's hard  experiences and divine interventions, reason why they easily judge challenges, and resolve problems with ease without haven't seen the four walls of a classroom.

 Others are still in their old selves reason  why you find them with high academic profiles yet still seeking for jobs or have little or nothing to help themselves  less their communities. These are the people who rejected nature from activating the inborn mathematical product   in them (critical thinking and problem solving skills).

 Life is all about problem solving so , you must device a means of solving your own problems by critically thinking over them. Learn to teach others because they will help you tomorrow.

  Whatever you do in life needs the knowledge of mathematics to enable you attain your goals. Tell where mathematics is not applied in your daily activity and I will prove you wrong right now!  Avoiding this subject is digging a pit now to bury your future. This  will bring nothing than regrets.

   Many who rejected mathematics in the early stages of their studies can testify what I am telling you now. They find it difficult to catch up with simple job opportunities or certifications because of weak or no mathematical background. Some lost juicy job opportunities and dream positions because of that.

  Many are still unable to cope in life because they avoided mathematics. This explains why we have more job seekers than job providers. Common sense is absent. We are unable to identify natural and human resources that generate income on our door steps. We leave gold mines back home and invest heavy fares on flights to become slaves elsewhere. 


The problems are many and need urgent diagnosis to help present generation of youths, else most people will continue to migrate leaving gold in their surrounding. Below are some of the problems I will like to present here:

1)   Love for Easy Things. There is an old say that nothing good comes easy. Many students, you inclusive tend to go after the presumed easy subjects  by following their peers. Unfortunately for them, they avoid the easiest subject "mathematics" because a friend said it is difficult or because a topic was not understood and had a failed mark in a test. This caused you to prefer the other subjects without considering your future. 

  Remember that you went to school as an individual and with a goal to accomplish. Your goal can be to attain a particular level in order to have a specific job. There are your friends who are in class because they were forced by their parents or the school administrators to be there.

 If you follow them, you will become frustrated in future. Remember once you become an adult, your parents will stop sponsoring you and instead expect assistance from you. Be careful not to disappoint your parents. 

They count very much on you. Choosing to study mathematics is  a must if you want to be that person many will look up to and respect. You will be all round and  must companies and businesses around will need your services.

2) The Class Teacher. The class teacher who did not have a mastery of the topic in question might have been the reason why you became discouraged and hated the subject. Poor explanation of basic facts, and unanswered questions might have been your problem. 

  Dear teachers, let me remind you that a teacher is a regular student. If you cease to read them stop teaching. This is because you will cause our leaders of tomorrow to be lazy  instead of coming up with new ideas. My advice is that teaching is a call and not a profession. 

   If you are here to make money, then this core is not for you. Those you teach today will live to judge you tomorrow. Make no error! 

   Those in the medical field can make an error and go free when a mishandled patient dies. That patient will have no forum to review what happened less appreciate or reject, but you can never be free because all your students will live to remember you ; to appreciate or reject your contributions to their present situation. As a mathematics teacher, you build a solid foundation to your student's life. Never go to class with out preparing well.

  To you the student, you have come to learn. Never let the teacher continue a lesson when you have doubts anywhere. It is your right. You have paid you fees and bought books because of that. 

If you allow the teacher move without understanding the previous concepts, you are not doing any good to yourself. Remember, if he moves on and you stay quiet, you are the loser because you have waisted  your time, energy, your parents money and energy. You are not different from someone who did not attend the class. 

 3)   The Environment. The set up of the classroom affects learning to an extent. For instance, if the sitting position is not comfortable, learning is affected. This means, if the students are too many such that they don't sit well, it means they will not be able to write well.

Another issue is the lighting situation of the classroom which if not we'll positioned may affect visibility hence learning. These two are enough to disturb proper classroom management. This is neither the teacher's fault not that of the student. It is that of the school authorities.

  The school administrators, should admit just the accepted number per class is well positioned so students can see well as well as make sure all teaching aids such as rulers, types of chalk, protractor, and many others are available. 

 4) Home Work Not Done. Many students do not do their assignments because the lesson wasn't understood. And they never cared  to ask questions or because they were overloaded with domestic chores, or were lazy. Some do not have the required text book to use, or other equipment to use. This leads to discouragement or hatred of the teacher especially when punishment is metted for not doing the assignment.

  Dear student, as mentioned earlier, never let your teacher proceed if you have not understood. Ask all the questions in your mind even if it means saying something outside the topic in question. 

    You will be guided back. The teacher is there to guide you. Don't be afraid. Any assignment is meant to find out if what was taught was actually understood. 

The teacher evaluates  you first, then his or herself. Failure to do an assignment, keeps the teacher in suspense because he will not know whether to continue or not. Remember, the teacher continues to build on previously taught lessons so you must do your assignment. Let your  parents know that you have homework so they can also reduce the amount of work back home.

     Let me round up by telling you that your education is your life. Never compare yourself to others. You are unique and special . The fact that a goat eats grass and survive means a dog will survive eating same. Each of them is different and unique interns of what it eats and so you are, in how you study. Follow the guidelines above and you will be  successful in your studies.


This article was written by Awah Aweh who is an expert in writing articles for the internet at here See sample of my blog posts above link. I write marketing content. This involves articles, blog posts, sales letters, email campaigns, ads and white papers for owners of small and mid-size businesses in the self-help, education, and finance industries. Read samples of my blog posts on personal finance at here.    I write e-books on self-improvement at self-help e-book store . I also make designs that can be printed on your products to boost sales  on promotion here

If you have any a design project of any of the writing projects listed here, contact me  Let’s begin work now!


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