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Friday, May 1, 2020

"Mind Blowing Methods no one will tell You on how to Solve Problems Involving Ratios"


   A ratio is a comparison of two or more similar quantities It is denoted by the symbol:  For example if a farmer divides his orange harvest so that for every 10 oranges, 3 are kept and sends 7 to the market, we say he divides the oranges in the ratio of 3:7.
  The quantities compared in a ratio must always be in the same unit of measurement. If two quantities are given in different units, before we can write a ratio for the quantities we must first convert the units so they are the same.
EXAMPLE 1. A car dealer sales two types of car batteries called incoe and bravo. Each incoe weighs 60kg while each bravo weighs 1200g. A Toyota pickup uses all two batteries for proper functioning. Express this as a ratio.
 Convert all grams (g)
Weight of incoe= 60kg=60×1000g=60,000g
Weight of bravo= 1200g
Ratio; weight of incoe: weight of bravo= 60000g: 1200g
           Weight of incoe: weight of bravo= 60000:1200
           Weight of incoe: weight of bravo= 50:1
A ratio is another way of expressing a fraction as a whole. That is 50:1= 50
A woman has 7 mangoes to share between her two daughters Bih and Abigail. Bih receives 3 mangoes and Abigail receives 4 . Bih has 3 out of 7 mangoes – in words,    3 of the mangoes. Abigail has 4 out of the 7 mangoes,   4 of the mangoes.                                                 7                                                 
The ratio of Bih’s mangoes to Abigail’s mangoes can be written as    3:  4 or simply as 3: 4.
                                                                                                       7    7
  Note that if you are given a ratio of one part to another part; find the whole by adding the ratios together. In example 2 above, 3parts +4parts = 7parts which is the total or whole.
 From this example, Bih gets 3parts of the whole (3) and Abigail gets 4 parts of the whole (4).
                                                                           7                                                            7
To simplify ratios, cancel out common factors as for fractions to write the ratio in its lowest form.
EXAMPLE1: Simplify the following the ratios to the lowest term.
i)                    8:16
ii)                   28:7
iii)                 15:25
iv)                 45minutes: 2 hours
v)                  7days:3weeks
vi)                 1 :  3
3    5
i)                    8:16; the number 8 is the common factor of 8 and 16
8:16 = 8 : 16
           8    8
8:16 = 1: 2
ii)                   28:7 ; the number 7 is the factor of 28 and 7.
28:7 = 28:  7
            7   7
28: 7 = 4: 1
iii)                 15: 25; the number 5 is the common factor of 15 and 25.
15: 25= 15 : 25
              5     5
15: 25 = 3 : 5
iv)                  45minutes: 2hours; change all to either hours or minutes. It is preferable to convert in the lower unit that is minutes.
45minutes: 2hours= 45minutes: 2×60minutes
45minutes: 2hours=45: 120; the number 5 is a common factor.
45minutes: 2hours= 45 : 120
                               5     5
45minutes: 2hours= 9: 24; another common factor here is 3.
45minutes: 2hours= 9 : 24
                               3    3
45minutes: 2hours= 3:8
v)                  7days : 3weeks = 7days : 3×7days
7days: 3weeks= 7days: 21 days (common factor is 7)
7days: 3weeks = 7 : 21
                           7    7
7days: 3weeks =  1: 3
vi)                 1 : 3  ; multiply through by the lowest common multiple of the denominators that is 15.
                      3    5
1:  3 = 15× 1 : 15× 3
3   5           3          5
                       1:  3 = 5: 9
                       3   5
  A ratio can be a comparison of more than two quantities, as long as they are of the same kind. From this, you can solve a number of problems with ease.
   EXAMPLE 1: Maurice sells three brands of car tyres. He finds that for every 3 Michelin tyres he sells, he sells 7 Continental tyres and 5 Goodyear tyres. The ratio of sales for the different tyre brands is therefore 3:7:5. If he sells 30 tyres altogether in a week, how many of each brand does he sell?
Ratio; 3:7:5
Sum of parts; 3+7+5=15 whole
Total number of these tyres sold per week= 30
Ø  3 of total tyres will be Michelin
Number of Michelin tyres sold=  3 ×30
Number of Michelin tyres sold=6.
Ø  7  of total tyres will be Continental
Number of Continental tyres sold= 7 ×30
Number of Continental tyres sold=14
Ø  5 of total tyres will be Goodyear
Number of Goodyear tyres sold =   5 ×30
Number of Goodyear tyres sold=10.
If you the individual brands sold, you will have 30. That is 6+14+10=30.
  A bag contains blue, green and yellow balls in the ratio 2:2:3. If there are 35 balls all together, how many balls of each color are there?
Ratio; 2:2:3
Sum of parts; 2+2+3=7 whole
Total number of balls= 35
Ø  2 of the total  balls will be blue
 Number of blue balls= 2 × 35
Number of blue balls = 10
Ø  2 of the total balls will be green
Number of green balls = 2 × 35
Number of green balls= 10
Ø  3 of the total ball will be yellow
Number of yellow balls =  3 ×35
Number of yellow balls= 15

1)      Simplify these ratios
a)      2cm: 5cm, b) 1.5kg: 500g, c) 100cm:6m, d) 11%: 22%, e) 1:  2 , f) 0.5:0.75
                                                                                         4   7
2)      Mr. John has 15 domestic animals of which 6 are cats, 4 are dogs and 5 are goats. Write down in its simplest form the ratio of:
a)dogs to goats, b) cats to dogs, c) cats to goats, d) goats to dogs, e) dogs to cats to goats, f) write the ratios from a to e as proper fractions.
       3) In a class of 60 students, there are 28girls and 32 boys.
               a) What is the ratio of :
             i) Boys to girls?
            ii) Girls to the total number of students?
b)      Write the ratio in a as a percentage of the whole class.
3)      John and Mary are 14y years and 12 years old respectively. Their father share 52000F CFA between the two of them in the ratio of their ages.
a)      How much does each receive?
b)      Write these two amounts as  :
i)                    Proper fractions
ii)                   Decimal fractions
iii)                 Percentages of the total amount of money.
4)      A man’s wage in a month is divided as follows: savings= 30%, Food=40%, health care 10%. He gives the rest of the money to his parents.
a)      Write down the ratios of:
i)                    Savings to food
ii)                   Health care to food
b)      If the amount for health care is 15000 F CFA, find his wage per month.
c)       What percentage did he give to his parents?
d)      What amount did he give to his parents?
5)      In the school Library, 2 of the books are science books.
a)      What is the ratio of science books to non-science books
b)      There are 7131 books in the library. How many of them are non-science books?

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