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Saturday, October 13, 2018


It has been observed that some student teachers fail to perform  in their student teaching assignments because of some weaknesses which may be inherent in them.Hence, each person should take a careful look at his strengths and weaknesses before planning for a career.Serious reflections upon past experiences should be enough indication for arriving at conclusion as to ones suitability for  teaching.The list that is stated below outlines some  of the several faults exhibited by student teachers.
1     LACK OF PERSONAL VIGOR. As has been mentioned earlier, teaching requires tremendous physical exertion; hence success in student in student teaching depends greatly on how fit and forceful the teacher is in working with the young people.Where a student teacher is found lacking in forcefulness, this creates an element of doubts on the part of the learners and consequently the class as a whole may loose confidence in him.Generally, students have the tendency to react positively towards those in position of leadership who are dynamic in their approaches.
2      POOR SPEAKING HABITS. The general method through which teachers get across their messages to students is verbal expression.In view of this,good speaking habits are essential in the teaching of children.Students find it uneasy to listen to voices that are too soft or too loud, monotonous,nasal or guttural.When this is the case, the students generally do not pay attention and ultimately, learning declines.
3      POOR KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS. In any teaching situation,the students look forward to the teacher for something new which they may add to their stock of knowledge.Sufficient back-ground of knowledge and skills helps the teacher to plan his course well, to teach it well and to evaluate well.There is nothing as frustrating as to have teachers who are inadequately informed or insufficiently skilled in their field of specialization.Consequently,the students tend to lose confidence in those student teachers and this reflects adversely on the institution that prepared them for the teaching assignment.
4      INSUFFICIENT BREADTH OF KNOWLEDGE OF OTHER SUBJECTS. Characteristically, there are those who are highly knowledgeable about their own teaching field but grossly deficient in matters relating to other  subjects.As a result,they can hardly see the relationships between their teaching and other areas of knowledge.Undoubtedly, a broad general knowledge may permit them to see such relationships which may help them to make their classes more interesting,practical and helpful.
5      LACK OF INTEREST.It is good practice for teacher to be lively and to show deep interest in his students in a class setting and out of class.By so doing, the students are activated, and their warmth and effervescence facilitates teaching and understanding.Children are known to want to live interesting lives and associate with interesting people who help them to achieve this objective.If a student teacher develops cold feet, the same will  be applicable to his students, but if he shows some form of enthusiasm, the same is radiated to his students. In other words, lack of interest on the part of the student teacher foster poor attitudes on the part of the students.
6      LACK OF POISE.It must be recognized that everybody feels somewhat uneasy in a new situation, but excessive uneasiness is bad.Students can observe an attitude of insecurity on the part of the student teacher, and when this happens the group’s trend of thought is disrupted.Consequently, effective learning does not take place as some of the students will capitalize on the situation to disrupt the class by their actions and remarks, while a few others will develop a feeling of sympathy for the teacher’s frustration. To avoid this type of embarrassment,student teachers should be well prepared for the teaching practice experience.
7    DISREGARD FOR NEEDS OF STUDENTS.Any type of teaching without relevance to the immediate needs of the students or to their future needs tend to retard their interest and motivation for the subject.Thus, as much as possible,teachers should help the learners to see the usefulness of their learning in their daily lives or in the lives they will be leading in the near future. Although getting background information of each individual student under the present school system  may be a bit difficult for student teachers as there are no records of such in the school, yet general information based on the utility of their learning will be helpful in promoting maximum interest and understanding.
The factors so far listed are not exhaustive ,but it to be pointed out that they contribute immensely to reduce the rate of learning of the students. Similarly, a student teacher who exhibits most of those deficiencies ultimately proves to be unsuccessful in the student teaching exercise.
As an advice to student teachers,each prospective student teacher should check his or herself against these defects and where there is applicable evidence of any of these,serious attempts should be made to correct such


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